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3250 N. Bronco Street Las Vegas, NV 89108 | 702-259-5020 |

Pre-Team is a preparatory and accelerated gymnastic training option for athletes ages four and up with the purpose of preparing our younger gymnasts for many competitive opportunities.
Little Divas - Girls ages 3.5-4.5 years old
Mini Stars- Girls, ages 4-5 years old
Our Mini Stars team can advance to Xcel competitive team or JO competitive team.
Hot Shots - Boys, ages 4-5 years old
Our Hot Shots can advance to Boys level 3Pre-Team or join the JO competitive team.
Boys level 3 Pre-Team - Boys, ages 5-13 years old
Our Boys Pre Team can advance to JO competitive team.
** All Pre-Team advancements are dependent on skill level and by invitational only **
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